Sunday, February 27, 2011


28 FEBRUARY 2011,

The supreme happiness of life
is the conviction
that we are loved.

thats all,
thank you.

siti fatimah azzahrah bt zuhari

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Logical Mathematics

Icon: Logic/math intelligence
People who are strong in the logic/math intelligence enjoy exploring how things are related. They like to understand how things work. They like mathematical concepts. They enjoy puzzles and manipulative games. They are good at critical thinking.
Here are ways to work with this intelligence in your lessons:
  • Arrange cartoons and other pictures in a logical sequence.
  • Sort, categorize, and characterize word lists.
  • While reading a story, stop before you've finished and predict what will happen next.
  • Explore the origins of words.
  • Play games that require critical thinking. For example, pick the one word that doesn't fit: chair, table, paper clip, sofa. Explain why it doesn't fit.
  • Work with scrambled sentences. Talk about what happens when the order is changed.
  • After finishing a story, mind map some of the main ideas and details.
  • Write the directions for completing a simple job like starting a car or tying a shoe.
  • Make outlines of what you are going to write or of the material you've already read.
  • Write a headline for a story you've just completed.
  • Look for patterns in words. What's the relationship between heal, health, and healthier?
  • Look at advertisements critically. What are they using to get you to buy their product?

Iq Hakim

Body Movement ( Kinesthetic )

Icon: Body movement intelligence
People who are strong in the body movement intelligence like to move, dance, wiggle, walk, and swim. They are often good at sports. They have good fine motor skills. They like to take things apart and put them back together.
Here are ways to work with this intelligence in your lessons:
  • Go through your wallet and pull out three things to talk about.
  • Trace letters and words on each other's back.
  • Use magnetic letters, letter blocks, or letters on index cards to spell words.
  • Take a walk while discussing a story or gathering ideas for a story.
  • Make pipe cleaner letters. Form letters out of bread dough. After you shape your letters, bake them and eat them!
  • Use your whole arm (extend without bending your elbow) to write letters and words in the air.
  • Change the place where you write and use different kinds of tools to write, ie., typewriter, computer, blackboard, or large pieces of paper.
  • Write on a mirror with lipstick or soap.
  • Take a walk and read all the words you find during the walk.
  • Handle a Koosh ball or a worry stone during a study session.
  • Take a break and do a cross-lateral walk.


Please forgive me! I did a lot of mistakes of you.I made you sad,i made you disappointed,i made you frustrated.I did a lot of things that make you sad.
However,you still forgive me even your sadness still there at your heart,even your angrier still exists.You still apologies me,you still accept me back

Thank you so much! Thank you for everything.Thank you for give birth of me.Thank you for take care and nurturing of me with patiently.
You are always with me no matter what happen.You always at behind me when i need some help.Just you can understand my problem.
Mom,you are so important to me.I can't imagine what will happen to me if you are leaving of me.

I promise,i will take care of you when you at old world.I will take care of you just like you take care of me when i was child.No matter what happen,i will keep watch of you.I promise.We will through life together untill the end of the world.

I am so pleases had a mother like you.You are amazing woman that i know.You are too perfect to me.
Mom,thank you again..

-Amar Shafiq-

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

family ..

Al-Aswad (radiallahu anhu) narrates: I asked 'Aisha: what did the Prophet use to do at home? She replied. "He used to keep himself busy serving his family and when it was time for the prayer, he would get up for prayer."
Hazrat Anas (radiallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “The person who successfully brings up two daughters (with an Islamic upbringing) until they reach maturity, then on the day of Qiyamah (Judgement) myself and that person will be like this (Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam indicated closeness by bringing together his index and middle fingers). [Sahih

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


If something is worth doing, then it's worth doing right.

Where there is a will, there is a way

More haste, less speed

-amar shafiq-

The Messenger of Allah

Your face is bright like the shining moon
Lighting up darkness of the night
Your face is bright like the shining moon
Lighting up darkness of the night
We are here we think of you
Oh Muhammad Rasulullah
The coming of you makes the brightest day
Shining through along the way
You bring the love of al isla
You are the symbol of unity
You bring the light to the entire world
You bring the hope into human life
You lead us to the way of truth
Oh Muhammad
Oh Muhammad Rasulullah
Well my friends the time has come
To have some peace and serenity
From the love of Rasulullah       

 Oh Muhammmad Rasulullah

Song by : In-Team
Post By : Nur Asilah

Words of Wisdom

From Saidina Ali Bin Abi Talib :-

  • Only human can follow goodness that have be done.
  • Eye is window of heart and brain is door,place of heart is out.
  • Who are happy atthe place of badness/sin,sure will be slander.
  • Hot-tempered character is main enemy of mind.
  • When mind is perfect,word less.
  • Who kill his/herself for the world,it mean to raise his/her knowledge.
  • Sometimes,signal brighter than parable.
  • Who pursue knowledge mean it search for the heaven and who do sin mean he/she search for the hell.
  • Faith is constructed on 4 pole that is confident,patient,jihad,and fair.
This post from
Nur Asilah
My ambitions is to be the Royal Malaysian Navy PASukan Khas Laut (English: Naval Special Forces), commonly known as the PASKAL compose the Special Operations Forces of the Royal Malaysian Navy, employed in direct action and special reconnaissance operations. PASKAL are also capable of undertaking unconventional warfare, guerrilla warfare, jungle warfare, counter-terrorism, close protection for VIPs, specific enemy assassination and hostage rescue as well as foreign internal defense.
It was officially established on October 1, 1980, after a five-year setting-up period, with the purpose of enforcing Malaysia's Exclusive Economic Zone maritime claims through sea, air and land operations . I hope in next 5 year I will be PASKAL

The History of the Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell

In the 1870s, two inventors Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell both independently designed devices that could transmit speech electrically (the telephone). Both men rushed their respective designs to the patent office within hours of each other, Alexander Graham Bell patented his telephone first. Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell entered into a famous legal battle over the invention of the telephone, which Bell won.


Monday, February 21, 2011

A bit Information

1.A heart beats 70 times a minute.
2. To reduce sleepiness, move the Achilles tendon. 
3. To reduce fatigue, move your right wrist. 
4.Midbrain exercise, rub hands for 15 minutes, subtract from your chin slowly to the head.after that, push it to the chest and shoulders ,continue it and turn to the kidney . push forward and push back up to the knees.Repeat this 3 times
1.surah al-Fatihah
2.surah Al-Kausar
3.Selawat while squeezing


1 . the attitude
2 . learning strategies
3 . skills
-We must have the properties above if you want to achieve success-
-We also can not drink chlorinated water and carbonated-
-We are encouraged to eat foods that are halal and quality-
-We must learn how to ask for forgiveness and forgive others. If we can learn we will surely be blessed life-

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to live like a true a Muslim:
1. A Muslim must live based on al-quran and hadith
2. A Muslim must follow the Sunnah Rasulallah
3. A Muslim must believe in and adhere to the tenets of faith that he was not fooled with the temptations of Satan
4. A Muslim must perform all the tenets of faith and do good andavoid evil
5. A Muslim should keep his deeds
6. A Muslim must also have three things:
jariah charity, righteous and a son and supply for the next stop(alam barzah)
I was only able to share this time I hope we all live in a manner that is a Muslim and to follow the Sunnah Rasulallah companions
BY: OG a.k.a. seteng

(sorry if there is mistake that i have done,i am not really good in english)

My Entry


Hope you all enjoy my entry, because this is my first time write entry to this blog. My ambition is  to be writer. But…I prefer to write stories that are not facts. Like writing a novel. Yup, I really like write a novel just like sis Haruno Hana and the writer from Urban Teen Writer. There all has a good write and  sometimes I really jealous of their talent. But all of that, I assume as my inspiration to keep trying and trying because I want to be like them. Alhamdulilah… now I have sent total of six chapter to Even though just only two hundred people read my novel but I am very grateful because there are people reading my novel Cinta Sakura write by Nur Iman.But I only write when I have space only. I'm very busy right now, so I do not have time to write So far I only write on this blog. Sorry if there are lot of mistakes I do in my writing because my English is not to good but I will try to improve it.Insya-Allah.

Penawar Hatiku a.k.a Aina

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Best friend

A best friend
should care for her friend feelings,
no matter how bad she cries or dissapoint,
or she happy..dont let she silent from you..
or else she will missing from your life.

A best friend
should know what her friend likes,
eventhough you dont really like it,
because if you dont know,
you will be her dislikes..

A best friend
should gives her friend an advice,
if you dont start with 'an advice',
you cant give her anymore..
because she will lost and you 'll be blame..

so,do you have a best friend??                                                                                ain f



all my friend , i want to remember all of you , that we almost to THE END OF TIME (KIAMAT).
prophet muhammad s.a.w said ,the sign that happen before imam mahdi come was: (huru hara) will happen in arab . now this happen right? , always in news that there was a warfare ,in mekah , and many at their country (arab)
so , the end of time almost really happen ,but we just dont know when. so , please .remember ALLAH . please always pray to ALLAH .may ALLAH forgive all of us .... AMIN YA ROBBAL ALAMIN.........................

-siti fatimah azzahrah zuhari-


hello ! yesterday I delighted and excited because can be together with friends in ceremony undertaking the is something that sweet and attract . additionally I learned much way in order to be student that excellent and succeed in life . that is an experience that cannot I forget . thank you to SMK BTP's students. MUHAMMAD SYAMIL SULAIMAN 


Hello and assalamualaikum.This is my first time to write in this blog.This blog create by Pn.Yuhaida for 3KAA students to story or sharing anything in this blog and the most important is to improve our English.Actually,this is a good idea because my English is not too good so that I can try to be better.Sorry if there is a lot of mistakes in my writting.I have to go.Bye :)

yoyo history

YOYO is the second oldest toy dating back 2,000 years.Back then they were called disks and made of terracotta.Even Napoleon and king Louis XVII played the game.In 1860,the word 'yoyo' was recorded in the filipino Dictionary.In 1900 it became a craze in America.The first international competition was held in London in 1932.Now it is a worldwide craze

terracotta : tanah liat
craze       : menggila
held         :diadakan

write by    :  AMIR ASHRAF 

My Ambition..

Every one of us has an ambition. It is what we would like to do in the
My ambition is to be a teacher. There are many reasons why I have chosen
this noble profession.
I have always loved learning and gathering knowledge. As a teacher I will be able to impart this knowledge to my pupils. In other words, I will help in educating them.
Another reason why I have chosen to be teacher is because I love children. When I am with them I am verry happy. Perhaps it is because their innocence and dependence on me. I love being with children.
I want to teach children to respect one another. Today there are wars being fought everywhere. Wars are cruel and damaging. By teaching children to respect and love one another, there may be less wars.
As teacher, I would like to help my students to learn good values so they can grow up to be useful, upright citizens.
I know I have to work hard to achieve my ambition.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Answer for agreement exercise - (Pn Yuhaida)

Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the correct answer.
1.              Both James and her sister enjoy eating spicy food.
2.              Our school is one of the oldest schools in the country.
3.              They were presented with a bouquet of flowers each.
4.              Five kilometers was the distance we had to run.
5.              Mrs. Richards, as well as a few of the other teachers, has spoken to the headmaster.
6.              No one is allowed to see the patient.
7.              Either George or I am to be promoted.
8.              The spectators were cheering and shouting at the top of their voices.
9.              Neither John nor his sisters were at the wedding reception last night.
10.           That boy, together with two of his friends, was caught copying during the Science test.
11.           That man in the blue shirt lives near my house.
12.           The Geographical Society has postponed its meeting to next Thursday afternoon.
13.           Which of the twins has a mole on her nose?
14.           Thirty dollars is too much for the pen.
15.           Not one of the boys rides a bicycle to school.
16.           The public is not allowed on this land as it is private property.
17.           The quality of these goods is not satisfactory.
18.           The sacks of flour were unloaded from the lorry.
19.           Personal cleanliness is very important.
20.           Do you know anyone who wants one of these puppies for a pet?
21.           Prevention is better than cure.
22.           Has anyone seen my ballpoint pen?” Peter asked.
23.           That popular group of singers is performing in Switzerland now.
24.           Light travels at the speed of 297,600 kilometres per second.
25.           That bicycle with the flat tyre belongs to my brother.
26.           The people were delighted when water and electricity were supplied to their village.
27.           Neither John nor George is to be blamed for the loss of our netball.
28.           Don't you know that the bat is a mammal?
29.           Each of the teachers was responsible for forty children.
30.           This is an old folks' home, not a recuperation centre.
31.           Power is what he wants more than anything else.
32.           The condition of the other two fire victims was reported to be serious.
33.           My brother, together with his best friend, has joined the army.
34.           Science, as well as Mathematics, is interesting to me.
35.           Theresa asked, “What is your hometown well known for?”
36.           A school bag, in addition to a pair of shoes, was given to each of the poor children.
37.           Either Jane or her sisters know how to prepare yoghurt.
38.           Nobody wants to eat the candy. It is too sweet.
39.           A dog and a cat are the old lady's constant companions.
40.           The office staff uses this toilet. That one is for the public.
41.           “You can see the headmaster when assembly is over,” the clerk told him.
42.           Are Mr. Lee and his family migrating to Canada next year?” asked George.
43.           Each of these men is prepared to risk his own life to defend the country.
44.           Most of my brother's income is spent on his children's education.
45.           Are all of you watching the experiment closely?” the teacher asked her class.
46.           How much does this bunch of bananas cost?
47.           Either of the children has to wash their father's car.
48.           One of the players is left the field.
49.           That team has many good players.
50.           One reason for accidents is carelessness.
51.           Put in “is” or “are” for questions 51 to 70.
52.           There are enough plates but there are not enough spoons.
53.           There is a lot of noise in our road in the morning.
54.           There is not enough water in that river.
55.           Be careful! There are hundreds of red ants on that tree. There is a nest on that branch.
56.           There is a lot of weeds on that rubber estate.
57.           There is a lot of ice in the refrigerator.
58.           I think there is something wrong with this dynamo.
59.           There are some good programmes on television next week.
60.           When there is rain for a day, there are many mosquitoes in our house.
61.           There is a quarry not far from our school and there are about thirty men working in it.
62.           Why are there no mudguards on that bicycle?
63.           What is there in that bottle? Is it medicine?
64.           There is not enough sauce in that bottle. I'll get some more.
65.           Are there many frogs in your garden? Yes, there are.
66.           Why are there so many birds in that tree? There are a lot of berries on it.
67.           There is not enough milk in this tea.
68.           Are there anybody in that house? No, there aren't.
69.           I think there are some rubber bands in that drawer.
70.           There is the postman. He is coming to our house.
71.           There is not a lot of traffic along that road at night.