Monday, April 11, 2011

tell me..

Tell me,
What would you do,
When one day you wake up from your bed,
And you you see everyone is running without direction,
Lossing their way,
Dont know where to go....Everyone look so panic,and puzzled,
and as they dont see you..

Tell me,
What would you do,
When the sun rise up sharply on your head,
And you dont know where you are,
All you see is just a sterile land,
It was just like a nightmare to you,
And you feel so hot,with too many people around you,
Until everyone stood up in others leg..

Tell me,
What would you do,
When you see two ways,
Which one you choose??
The hell or Heaven...all these depend on your
charity in the world,when you still alive,and you still
have chance to choose the  best way...                                         ain f

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