Wednesday, January 26, 2011

7A2B wait for me !!!

Salam to Muslim and Hye to everyone !! I'm so happy ! Why i'm so happy ? Because i'm really confident with my target (7A2B) . Good 3x !!! Give a big clap to me ! CLAP 5x !! I don't want to target 9A because i don't confident with it . We must confident with our target , and don't let it drop . When our confident drop , it will be demoralize our hearten to study . I hope the student who will be take PMR this year (2011) batch '96 , all of them succeed ! Amin ! Okey , I have to go now because my youngest brother want to open the facebook . Salam !          7A2B wait for me !!!

1 comment:

  1. forensic girl ! i know you !
    haha , your target same as me .
