Monday, January 31, 2011 it out!

If you want to study smart,
You have to study hard,
If you want to be successful,
You have to be careful,
Dont take wrong step,
Because it's hard to come back.........!

                          .. REMEMBER..
           There is no easy way to achieve successes,
          so do your best..!

Tips to Get 9A

Assalamualaikum wbt.. you think how ex-student PMR can get 9A/8A in PMR?Maybe all of you know.One of people said,"Hmm..I think he do study timetable,because of that he successful !! wrong...your thinking very thin...However,I want to ask you,Do you know this man,Haris Ahamad?He is ex-"Mat Rempit".At that time,he in form 3.In 42 days,his mother try many ways to aware him.Until he came to MAP Training &Consultancy,from there he begin to know who he is and when PMR,he so good.When the result has go out,he get 8A in PMR.This are many tips for you,PMR Student :

1.Very important you must keep your relationship with Allah swt like pray,read Quran and esc.Because if you keep your relationship,only Allah swt can help you in exam.
2.Respect and love your family especially your mother
3.Respect your teacher that teach you
4.Don't traduce about your mother,teacher and esc
5.Don't eat sour,junk food like pickle.
6.Highlight important note with colour green,yellow.Don't use dark colour
7.Do simple note that make you easy to remember.
8.Always asking,close with your teacher or do kind work with sincere.
9.Do a study group
10.Install ScoreA in internet,in that it just like quiz.
11.Do a song about that topic example science-Respiration.
12.If you like to hear music,song,you must try this,Hear song or music that you cannot understand example              Tamil channel or Chinnese channel or 'Ayat Quran' or instrumental music like Kitaro.
13.If your friend talk nonsense to you when you are study,you said 'SO WHAT' until your friend fed up with you.
14.Don't read while you lying down
15.You must have your target for your life.
16.Do drill work every day such as math.
17Don't do default matter for 21 days.
 18.Where do you go,must bring exercise book like BM,BI or esc
19.When you come home,take out your homework that teacher give.
20.Read Mind Familiarization Script every morning example
    "Get up Islam GET UP!!"From this day I must be successful student.I must do what my parent ask to do.From this day,I must do exercise and drill work every day.I must focuses 100% when teacher teaching.I must change and prayer one day five time.I must wish honest because Allah swt before go to school.I must do very best for my mother,father,teacher and friend.Do my best,Do my very best!!"

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  From Nur Asilah Binti Ariffin

Pmr 2011

Salam to all student 3 Kaa....
We know that PMR is around the corner.We cannot U-Turn it back.Besides,we have to do as many revisions that we can had.Focus when we are in the class also important for us.When we not understand,put up your hand and ask teacher.Do not cloud nine when studying.As our Prophet said 'the knowledge doesn't come to you,but you must find it by yourself.That it for now....  
Salam and take care everybody....
muslim's quotes ..  :))

jihad mendapatkan keredhaan Allah ..  :D

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I feel so scared..but I do not know why???
I think these is because the examination..just around the corner.
I must work hard to and study...
I still weak in many subject..I do not ready..
please help me friend...starting from now..
I will study and no more playing...
I will promise to myself that I will get 9A in examination...
I want to make my parent and teachers happy and proud to me..
Good luck to all my friends in 3KAA 2011!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The purpose of school holiday - Pn Yuhaida

Go to the link above and study this video over and over again. You will find it a great help.

Salam to all my students. 

What's school holidays are for? For me it's time to catch up on the things that I have lag before. For example to catch up with my master degree. I'm in the final stage of my master degree and I need to prepare to defend my thesis during viva session. A viva session is a session whereby I have to present my thesis and defend it against all attack/questions from lecturers from my faculty and other faculty too. It's not an easy job and I need to do a lot of reading during this school holidays. 

It's also time to spend with my family members. Two of my sons are already in university and they are coming home for the Chinese New Year. It's time to exchange news and discuss about future plans. 

School holidays is for all of you to catch up on school works. It's also time for you to study back the topics that you didn't understand well. Not to forget preparing for the topics or chapters that you will learn after school reopens. To be a smart student, you have got to stay ahead and not behind schedule

Thank you to those who have contributed your writings in this blog. It doesn't matter if you english is broken. What matters is that you try to write. Practice may not make perfect but practice will surely improve your english. The more you write the more you will feel the hang of it (American quotation). When you don't have to identify yourself if you wish, there's no reason not to write. So use this school holiday to write more since you have a lot of free time. That's another purpose of school holiday. 

Send my regard or salam to your parents. I would like to see many entries in this blog every day. May we be in Allah's protection everyday.

lag (verb) fall behind in movement, progress, or development; not keep pace with another or others they stopped to wait for one of the children who waslagging behind.
      - (noun) a period of time between one event or phenomenon and another there was a time lag between the commission of the crime and its reporting to the police.

defend - resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger we shall defend our country, whatever the cost.
• speak or write in favor of (an action or person); attempt to justify hedefended his policy of imposing high taxes.• conduct the case for (the party being accused or sued) in a lawsuit :the lawyer had defended anticommunist dissidents.• compete to retain (a title or seat) in a contest or election he successfully defended his Congressional seat in new elections [as adj. (defending) the defending champion.• [ intrans. (in sports) protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's opponents.
schedule - a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times we have drawn up an engineering schedule.• (usu. one's schedule) one's day-to-day plans or timetable take a moment out of your busy schedule.

Friday, January 28, 2011

intention to renew the school

begin the steps to school every day, whisper in my heart, "I go to school because God Almighty." it is good for growing awareness and consciousness that we feel more responsible for the profession as a student kite

in addition he is the real purpose of why we seek knowledge .... which is due to obey God. God told kite study. He shall be executed in any order. But do be the intention as well as God, not for others.

value and then get rewarded by his side. not just a reward, we also would benefit from a lot of good work done with sincerity for Allah.

we did not despair or discouragement when confronted with severe problems or failures. because we know and realize that failure and the problem is that such tests must be passed by anyone who holds the student.

those who seek knowledge so because God will take care of ethics and etiquette-adabnya. intention of complying with the order God has given a reward, especially when complimented with the discipline. Palin importantly do not be arrogant with your friends, even more teachers.

the proud, the fact that he raised himself. perhaps he will also have the knowledge to be led, but not to benefit himself. who are arrogant, difficult to comply with or respect for others.
culmination of a dream career for knowledge would want to secure the future. intention of ..... because God, not because the want to show off or boast to our friends. achieved with a career cemerlangan to serve as a platform and services to the community.

(^-^) monitor class 3kaa(^-^)


The Internet

Internet is a wonderful place to meet new people, listen to music and get information on any topic we like.
It may be the wonderful place but are we logging to danger? It can be dangerous place because everyone we meet online is stranger. As is in real life, you will find the same type of people with bad intentions, arrogant or rude people. They will try to cheat and fool with false information about their identity. They do this by pretending to be what they are not.
Just be careful. Take certain precautions. Be aware of those who want to know too much about you and your family. do not let them know who you are. Avoid giving personal details like full name, telephone number and address.
Internet addiction is hazardous to our life and health. Avoid addiction by limiting the time spent on Internet. Go out and play with real friends and start other hobbies.
The bottom line is the Internet is beneficial but it has its drawbacks.

Iq Hakim

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

people ,
everyday eat from mouth to down(to fill the stomach)
have you done already eat from mouth to up to fill the brain(study) ?

7A2B wait for me !!!

Salam to Muslim and Hye to everyone !! I'm so happy ! Why i'm so happy ? Because i'm really confident with my target (7A2B) . Good 3x !!! Give a big clap to me ! CLAP 5x !! I don't want to target 9A because i don't confident with it . We must confident with our target , and don't let it drop . When our confident drop , it will be demoralize our hearten to study . I hope the student who will be take PMR this year (2011) batch '96 , all of them succeed ! Amin ! Okey , I have to go now because my youngest brother want to open the facebook . Salam !          7A2B wait for me !!!


Today, i would like to share with you some study techniques that may be useful in your preparation for the PMR exam.

One of the methods of studying that i have found very effective is group study.It is always easier to understand our lessons when we revise them with our peers.It is sometimes easier for students to seek help from their school friends rather than to approach their teachers.There is also healthy competition as group members will not want to fall behind or take part in discussions unprepared.

Going through past-year exam questions helps as you will get the feel of the questioning patterns and test your preparedness for the exam.

Finally,plan your study schedule and manage your time wisely.Draw up a checklist of things that you need to accomplish before the exam and set deadlines for yourself.Be realistic about the objectives you set for yourself and make sure they are reasonable and achievable.

I hope that i have been of some assistance to you in preparing for the exam.I wish you all the best in your studies and the exam.You have to 'STUDY SMART,NOT STUDY HARD'.Thank you.

-Ain S-

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nothing is forever and forever is a lie. All we have is what's between hello and goodbye.


Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. Magic is the art of expression without inhibitions.

-Iq Hakim

Success and Failure

Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the launching pad for your life's encore.

-Iq Hakim

Law and Justice

So many people know the law, but so few know justice.

-Iq Hakim
A friend to all is a friend to none.

-Iq Hakim
Assalamualaikam, the matter goes to form 3KAA boys.
If you are handsome, and it will not last forever,
If you are rich, it is only in the world,
If you are wise, it was only a slight knowledge of God,
If you do a lot of precious practice, not necessarily It is thenaccepted,
Please do not behave with the gods bestowed privilege, it wouldnot last forever
God may recall that in the lend,
And the degree is in practice rather than privilege yng secondedby GOD ......

Students SMKBTP ... HAHAHA

my life

Assalamualaikum..let me introduce name is ain f..Actually,there's something about that name..when i was born,on 18 nov,my grandma decided to give my name as Siti Fatimah but my parent were not agreed.Then,on 19 nov,my parent give my name "Ain Farhana",there is one more my class,we have THREE ain,that need us to use for me, they call ain f..hahaha,such a very nice name..thats it,thank you for anyone who have read this story.salam.

Monday, January 24, 2011

those who can not be honorable
rich people are not too precious not necessarily
Do not belittle people who do not succeed in life
status of a person lies in his practice.


السلام.. ، ،،
سيدتي yuhaida....
بادئ ذي بدء ،
اريد ان اقول لكم انني مثل الرياضيات كثيرا لكنني غير قادر على نقاط لاه.. كنت غير قادر علىمساعدتي.. ؟
أنا من العام الماضي لا يزال يسجل في الرياضيات لا... انا بحاجة الى بعض المساعدة منأنت..... و، في نهاية المطاف.. .
الرجاء الدعاء لي..... أشكركم كثيرا جدا معلم....
  assalammualaikum؛ مد

salam 1 Malaysia .

Hello everyone ..this is Arysha,Fatin and Sara .We are from 3 KAA .We are glad to send our post in this blog.
Today,we want to share about our classmates.They are 14 boys and 20 girls in our class.Let's start with our class teacher,Pn.Yuhaida.She teach us maths and civic.Our class monitor is Shamirul.Next is our assistant monitor,Ain Farhana.
Okay,times up.We got to go for recess right now.We gonna continue to share about our classmates next time. Salam.
الأول، وذلك بفضل mrs.yuhaida لأن دعونا نشر هذا المنصب.
وبهذه الطريقة ،
يمكننا تحسين اللغة الإنجليزية لدينا ويبدأ في معرفة بعضنا البعض في طريقة أسهل.
أنا أعرف بلدي الانجليزية سيئة جدا، ولكن سأحاول جهدي لتحسين الألغام.


salam .,,,
madam yuhaida ....
first of all,
i want to tell you that i like maths very much  but i cant score lah ..cant you help me .. ?
from last year i still cannot score in maths...i need some help from you .....and , in the end .. .
please PRAY for me ..... thank you very much teacher ....
 assalammualaikum ;D

hye. salam .

first , thanks to mrs.yuhaida because let us publish this post .
in this way ,
we can improve our english language and starts to know each other in an easier way .
i know my english quite bad, but i'll try my best to improve mine .

(but, the boys student in this class so noisy. everytime they're in class,
 this class will become so crowded, so please behave yourself)

-sorry for being quite harsh .  :))

أن يكون لي
يضربني، تحتاج إلى أن تكون ذكية.
للقبض على لي ، وتحتاج إلى أن يكون سريع.
ولكن لكي تكون لي... يا من فضلك ، هل أنت تمزح....

صديق من زملائك

الأمير وحافظ


Hye...we are Afwan,Shakir,Hariz And Zul... We want to say good luck to all 3Kaa Student 2011 for PMR.....Target this year to be more excellent and hardworking.... بلغ الجهادa 9a
 Salam we are boys from KAA class . We target to achieve 9 A  in PMR  .  Some girl in our class were naughty . I hope they will not disturb us . Goodbye .

What is love..

What is love..
in math, it is a problem.
in history, it a battle.
in science, it reaction.
in art is <3

i love puan yuhaida
lots of love,

Target For 9A

this year we have our PMR....
so good luck for everyone...
TARGET 9A's...


to be me

to beat me, you need to be smart.
to catch me, you need to be fast.
but, to be me...oh please, are you kidding....

 Recess time !!!!!!!


Jom G rehat!!
hello everyone....
we are SKEMAZ....


  Assalamualaikum, my name is Syamil , Hahahahaha


My orchid at home

Salam to everyone. This is Puan Yuhaida writing to kick start the block. Soon everyone will have to write using your own pen name. everyone will have to register their pen name to me personally but your identity will be a secret. So there is no excuse not to write because nobody will know who you are. Everybody will know me of course.

Let's talk about out motto. Jihad mencapai 9A. Jihad means we must strive to the last drop of our blood. Literally. So there's a lot of things that you guys must increase and another long list of the things that you must decrease. You must increase study time, focus in class, doing exercises, asking questions, sharing knowledge, so on and so forth. At the same time you must decrease game time, watching TV, making jokes, fooling around in class, time spent on FaceBook, so on and so forth. 

Got to go. Got to send my youngest son upstair. Salam