Saturday, January 29, 2011

The purpose of school holiday - Pn Yuhaida

Go to the link above and study this video over and over again. You will find it a great help.

Salam to all my students. 

What's school holidays are for? For me it's time to catch up on the things that I have lag before. For example to catch up with my master degree. I'm in the final stage of my master degree and I need to prepare to defend my thesis during viva session. A viva session is a session whereby I have to present my thesis and defend it against all attack/questions from lecturers from my faculty and other faculty too. It's not an easy job and I need to do a lot of reading during this school holidays. 

It's also time to spend with my family members. Two of my sons are already in university and they are coming home for the Chinese New Year. It's time to exchange news and discuss about future plans. 

School holidays is for all of you to catch up on school works. It's also time for you to study back the topics that you didn't understand well. Not to forget preparing for the topics or chapters that you will learn after school reopens. To be a smart student, you have got to stay ahead and not behind schedule

Thank you to those who have contributed your writings in this blog. It doesn't matter if you english is broken. What matters is that you try to write. Practice may not make perfect but practice will surely improve your english. The more you write the more you will feel the hang of it (American quotation). When you don't have to identify yourself if you wish, there's no reason not to write. So use this school holiday to write more since you have a lot of free time. That's another purpose of school holiday. 

Send my regard or salam to your parents. I would like to see many entries in this blog every day. May we be in Allah's protection everyday.

lag (verb) fall behind in movement, progress, or development; not keep pace with another or others they stopped to wait for one of the children who waslagging behind.
      - (noun) a period of time between one event or phenomenon and another there was a time lag between the commission of the crime and its reporting to the police.

defend - resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger we shall defend our country, whatever the cost.
• speak or write in favor of (an action or person); attempt to justify hedefended his policy of imposing high taxes.• conduct the case for (the party being accused or sued) in a lawsuit :the lawyer had defended anticommunist dissidents.• compete to retain (a title or seat) in a contest or election he successfully defended his Congressional seat in new elections [as adj. (defending) the defending champion.• [ intrans. (in sports) protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's opponents.
schedule - a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times we have drawn up an engineering schedule.• (usu. one's schedule) one's day-to-day plans or timetable take a moment out of your busy schedule.

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