Saturday, March 26, 2011

i'm so lucky

I am to be with you
In this wonderworld
In this peace land
In your world
In your arm....

For us to be
When the sky is blue
When the sun be the light
When I feel you
When I see you...

Wonder land is ours
Free from wars
Forever we together
Together we live in peace and harmony...                                          ain f

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Friends Forever
the first time we met,we were strangers to each other,
not knowing each other and not even ready to know,
but slowly we started off with a simple HI! and a smile,
as time passed, a formal relationship turned into an informal one...,
now theres not even a single day when we do not talk or see each other..,
the day is not complete till we talk to each other..,
its such a nice feeling to know that i have someone whom i can count on,trust on,
no matter where life takes us in near future, we are will alwyas be FRIENDZ FOREVER 

From: Muhammad Afwanuddin                                           

Saturday, March 19, 2011

smile )

Hye and assalamualaikum . This is my second time to write in this blog . I'm rarely update because the problem of internet . Today , i just want to tell that Monday we need to go to school because the school holiday is over and we also need to ready to receive our scores in March test . bye :))

Funny story about my young cousin

This is about my young cousin,Farzana.Actually Ihave many cousins but the funniest cousin is Farzana and the talkative cousin is Nabihah.Farzana is about 3 years old and Nabihah is 6 years old.The beginning of the story is,my family and I go back to my hometown on Wednesday(16/3/2011).Farzana's family go back on Thursday.Farzana's father is brother of my mother.When we return from my aunty's house,we saw Farzana's family in the house.Shesmile at me.I talk about the hamsters that we bring.At night,Aiman is the first who are happy because his gang has come.His gang is Haziq,Aqilah and Nabihah. They play the ball. But, Farzana, Aisyah and I play the doll.I always teasing Farzana.She likes to eat at all.What type of food on the table she want to eat.At 11:00 o'clock,all her family had sleep except her.She play and play.I ask her,"Did you drink a coffee?"She answered,"No,I'm not!!I drink a milk."I ask her again,"Why do you not sleep at this time?"She answered,"I'm not feel to sleep."We( My mother,Aisyah,and me ) feel dizzy to think how to make she sleep.She like to go to our room.When we switch off the light,she asked me to switch on the light again.She afraid!!She almost to cry.To not to make she cry,I do what she asked to do.Aisyah pray,hope that Farzana will sleep and I said your pray no use.She not sleep.When I switch on the light,Farzana said,"Switch off the light."We laugh.After that,we sleep.

From....Nur Asilah Ariffin....
3 KAA...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Funny story about hamster(Brown and White)

Last Saturday,my father had bought two cute hamsters at Green Valley Park(GVP).My father had bought 1 male and 1 female.He had bought it for my younger sister,Aisyah.When he arrived home,Aiman and I ran towards him when we knew that he bought hamsters.We look the hamsters conscientiously.Aisyah fill the water to be drink by the hamsters and fill the food into the container that had been prepared.After that,she named the hamsters.The male hamster is known as Brown and the female hamster is known as White.In a week we with Brown and White,various manners that have be made by it.It make us laughing and not easy to forget it.Various funny actions that have be done by it.Climb the cage like a monkey,gymnastics action,jump from level 3 to level 1,exercise and etc.It likes to eat dried melon seed(kuaci).Since White and Brown presence,my family and I become more happy and always play with it.This is funny story about White and  Brown,Hamster that belong to Aisyah.

From....Nur Asilah....

Only Just Funny

Music from Hell ,
Song by Devil,
Sang by Angel,
Heard by Human,
End with Death.

Darkness come from Light,
Heart beside the Soul,
Hate behind Love,
Devil inside us,
Angel beside You.

.... Iq Hakim ....
Assalamualaikum...i want to share with all of you about something that really happen in our life.
It is 'LOVE'..I know if i talk about study or subjects,there will be some of my friend think "huh,boring....! ".so this time,I want to make something different from others.
          When we talk about love, i'm sure the first thing that cross on your mind is couple,'monkey love' and the magic words as i love you,i miss you and a lot more.But for me,love is complicate.It is not only express your feelings but also need sacrifices.I,m very sure all of you know that.There is no wrong to be in love,but think first.Is it match with your age...?ME??NO..Our prophet also loves his wife,Siti Khadijah,so much..And He willing to do anything to his wife.That's called sacrifice.As a student,I admit sometimes I like to befriend with others  that makes me love them..Ahaa..dont think I'm flirt!! haha..
       1~ I love ALLAH.
       2~I love Rasulullah
       3~I love my family n my teachers
       4~I love others
      For my friends,if you are in love,i suggest you to keep it yourself... yup, i know.. its hard right. It is easy for love to come,but it is hard to go.Believe me,everyone feel the, i think i should stop now..k..bye assalamualaikum.                                                                    
                                                                                                                                             ain f

Lament - Devotees




Album : Devotees
Munsyid : Devotees

You like to live
like to believe
Essence of life is fun
Want to pretend
The life that you live
Has no guiding hands and you

Jumped into the monies
And never looked back
Moved away from righteousness
You want it all
And don't care if you fall
You wanna see the world
You wanna be the world

Try to believe
The reason to live
Eternal compassion
You'll feel it deep within inside of you

The chance to live
A new life
A new beginning
But you


Do you throw life away
Don't you wanna be among
The ones who faught for the truth
When you eyes were blinded
By the taste temptation in your life
Then tell me why must you

Lagu : Waheeda
Lirik: Waheeda
From :Nur Asilah

Discipline in Schools

In my opinion,discipline is a very important element in schools. All schools have their own rules. These rules help the teachers and principals manage schools smoothly. Student who break the rules will be punished.
     Lack of discipline in schools will result in many problems. For example, teachers will find it difficult to control the students. There will be many problems, such as students not doing their homework or even fighting in class. The teachers will be busy handling all these problems and so less time is spent on teaching.
     In addiction, lack of discipline in schools will also cause problems for society. If there are no strict rules governing attendance, the students will play truant. Many students would prefer to spend their time in other places such as shopping malls. These students may associate with the wrong company and pick up bad habits such as taking drugs and smoking. When they do go to school, they will be even harder to control and the teachers and prefects may face problems.
     It is always easier to discipline students rather than adults. If we teach the students the correct way to behave well and follow the rules of the country. For the welfare and good of society and the country, strict enforcement of discipline in our schools should be made compulsory.

 From : Nur 'Ain Rusman



Thursday, March 17, 2011


friday , 18 march 2011 
actually ,  i dont know what to write ,,,
emm , miss teacher and all friend , this holiday , what are you all do ? haaa , homework finish ?? done ??
haa , dont forget that ,,, emm , all of you, do you know that tsunami happen in Japan on friday last week,right ? FRIDAY .the end of the day will happen in friday ,, ... dajjal and imam mahdi will come soon , almost , but we just dont know when..... im so scared ......dont you afraid , malaikat will ask question , if we cant answer , we will be punished ? dont you afraid if you will not pass from titian sirat ? masyaALLAH.... please remember Allah , so afraid ...... to all my friend , i think we not enough  time to enjoy , ... not enough time to go until 20 years ,so afraid .... because we almost in the end ,,, but i always pray , that i dont want to die until i makes my parents happy  ,, AMIN .... but if we have long age , please do what Allah told . ....
my friend , please forgive me if i have do anything wrong with you all . ....i am so sorry ..human ,will not run from doing mistake just an ordinary human ,,,..please please forgive me if i have broken your heart ,friend ..,, puan yuhaida , please forgive me if i have do anything wrong . ....forgive me , if i cant give a good mark on maths .....
my friend , the best thing of all that we need to do is KISS OUR MOM'S LEG (kaki ) ....because heaven is under mom's leg ...insyaAllah ,Allah will open all, our heart always peaceful ,,, cool.. and make sure your mom forgive all your sins ,...ask her permission first ,and told her to clean her leg first, then you do it ,,,insyaAllah , may Allah bless us ...Amin ya robbal a'lamin...................forgive me ,.
SITI FATIMAH AZZAHRAH BINTI ZUHARI ,7.06.1996.......................................

Brief Time Has Elapsed

tup... tup.. tup...
brief time has elapsed... Now I'm form 3 student...
Hah! I feel like can not believe that I am now is form 3... 
and I still think that I'm fom 1 student...
Actually I want to say that I still think that I'm standart 1 student! 
but... It see like hyper ball right?
 Ha ha ha...

Uhuk! I really miss my old memories... even it sweet memories or bitter memories... I really miss it...
I miss my old friends... my old teacher...
Sometimes I really hope that I can back to my old life...
when I hope like that... I will say to myself...
"Just in your dream!"

But... I realize..
No matter what... Life must be go on...

penawar hatiku

Education consists of teaching.
Teaching consists of knowledge.
Knowledge is the truth. The truth is any contemplation whatsoever. Education should be the same everywhere.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today I want to share with you about how to make a cool rocket with a piece of paper...
This is some of the tutorial to make a cool rocket using paper

I think this is the esiest to make
I hope you will try it.If you understand the tutoriol you make it.If you can't understand it don't ask me about it.Maybe there are some mistake...

How To Improve English

My most important piece of advice is: "Do something (anything). If you don't do anything, you won't get anywhere. Make it your hobby, not a chore, but above all have fun!"

Don't be in too much of a hurry. You're setting off on a long journey and there will be delays and frustrations along the way. Sometimes you'll be in the fast lane and other times you'll be stuck in traffic, but there will also be lots of interesting things and interesting people along the way. Take your time to really enjoy the experience.

There are many ways to improve your level of English, but only you can find the right way for you. Here are a few tips that might help:-
Improve your Learning Skills

Learning is a skill and it can be improved.

Your path to learning effectively is through knowing

    * yourself
    * your capacity to learn
    * processes you have successfully used in the past
    * your interest, and knowledge of what you wish to learn

Motivate yourself



ways to improve English

Formal ESL (English-as-a-second-language) classes are available at many colleges and universities to help non-native speakers improve their command of English. These programs provide a variety of courses such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, writing, and conversation at a variety of levels such as beginning, intermediate, and advanced. Some also offer “English for special purposes” classes, which focus on English as used in specific subject-matter areas such as business, science or engineering.

Students should spend their time on things that interest them. They must choose their materials well. They can buy English reading materials based on their interest. For example, if the girls like cooking, then they can buy an English-language cookbook or find recipes on the net and practice following the recipes. They will soon know if they have made a mistake.

There are millions of blogs on the web. Each blogger has his own writing style. Students may come out with their own style

Friday, March 11, 2011

Message from Pn Yuhaida

Assalamualaikum to all my girls and boys,

I know you must in sheer joy now that the March test is over and school holiday is just starting. I would like to advise all of you to make a list of all the things that you want to accomplish during this school holiday. Some of my suggestions are:

  1. Finish reading at least one English novel to improve English skills.
  2. Learn a new skill. For example for Hafizuddin (ICT nerd), learn a new skill in Adobe photoshop. Just use YouTube for online tutorial lessons. You can learn practically everything using the internet.
  3. Do exercise in ScoreA programme. For Faris and Syuhada, make full use of the ScoreA account I have given to both of you. I'll check through online report card.
  4. Review topics that you don't understand. Do group discussions. 
  5. Don't forget to do exercises for the school holiday that the school have given to you.
  6. Help your mom in the kitchen and around the house. School holiday is one great opportunity to say thank you to your mom by helping her with the house chores. Don't uses school work as an excuse not to help her around. Be a 'soleh' and 'solehah' son/daughter.
  7. Make a time table. Allocate time for studying, watching TV, playing games, doing house chores, etc. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If you fail to plan, you'll end up watching TV or playing online games most of the time. What a waste of precious time.
  8. Write on this blog. I have been postponing to punish those who seldom or never write on this blog. I will do it immediately when the school starts again. Name like Iqbal and Asilah are exempted because they have often write. Others, I want to see your names on your post.
Take care of yourself during the school holiday and come back in one piece. I don't want to hear anybody involved in motorbike accident. 

sheer  - nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis) she giggled with sheer delight marriage is sheer hard work.
accomplish - achieve  or complete successfully the planes accomplished their mission.
exempted - free from an obligation or liability imposed on others these patients are exempt from all charges 

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I am Iqbal Hakim. Many of my friends call me Iqbal or 'bal'. I also can be called HakimMy ambition is to become an accountant. My hobbies are cycling, listening to songs and listen to the radio. I like math and science subjects. I also like Arabic subject. I want to be successful in life whether in the world and the hereafter.
Iq Hakim