Monday, February 7, 2011

Agreement exercise - Pn Yuhaida

Please do the exercise below. The answer will be provided a few days later.

Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the correct answer.
1.              Both James and her sister (enjoy, enjoying, enjoys) eating spicy food.
2.              Our school (are, is, has) one of the oldest schools in the country.
3.              They (were, was, will) presented with a bouquet of flowers each.
4.              Five kilometers (was, were, are) the distance we had to run.
5.              Mrs. Richards, as well as a few of the other teachers, (have, has, is) spoken to the headmaster.
6.              No one (is, will, are) allowed to see the patient.
7.              Either George or I (am, are, is) to be promoted.
8.              The spectators (was, were, have) cheering and shouting at the top of their voices.
9.              Neither John nor his sisters (are, were, was) at the wedding reception last night.
10.           That boy, together with two of his friends, (was, were, has) caught copying during the Science test.
11.           That man in the blue shirt (live, lives, living) near my house.
12.           The Geographical Society (have, has, is) postponed its meeting to next Thursday afternoon.
13.           Which of the twins (has, having, have) a mole on her nose?
14.           Thirty dollars (has, is, are) too much for the pen.
15.           Not one of the boys (ride, riding, rides) a bicycle to school.
16.           The public (is, were, are) not allowed on this land as it is private property.
17.           The quality of these goods (is, are, has) not satisfactory.
18.           The sacks of flour (was, were, have) unloaded from the lorry.
19.           Personal cleanliness (has, is, are) very important.
20.           Do you know anyone who (want, wanted, wants) one of these puppies for a pet?
21.           Prevention (is, are, has, were) better than cure.
22.           “(Have, Was, Is, Has) anyone seen my ballpoint pen?” Peter asked.
23.           That popular group of singers (has performed, was performing, is performing, were performing) in Switzerland now.
24.           Light (travels, travel, to travel, traveling) at the speed of 297,600 kilometres per second.
25.           That bicycle with the flat tyre (belong, to belong, belonging, belongs) to my brother.
26.           The people were delighted when water and electricity (is, are, was, were) supplied to their village.
27.           Neither John nor George (are, have, is, were) to be blamed for the loss of our netball.
28.           Don't you know that the bat (is, was, are, has) a mammal?
29.           Each of the teachers (were, was, has, are) responsible for forty children.
30.           This (is, are, were, has) an old folks' home, not a recuperation centre.
31.           Power (is, are, were, has) what he wants more than anything else.
32.           The condition of the other two fire victims (have, was, are, were) reported to be serious.
33.           My brother, together with his best friend, (have, has, were, is) joined the army.
34.           Science, as well as Mathematics, (is, are, have, does) interesting to me.
35.           Theresa asked, “What (does, has, is, have) your hometown well known for?”
36.           A school bag, in addition to a pair of shoes, (were, have been, are, was) given to each of the poor children.
37.           Either Jane or her sisters (knows, have known, know, is knowing) how to prepare yoghurt.
38.           Nobody (is wanted, wants, is wanting, have wanted) to eat the candy. It is too sweet.
39.           A dog and a cat (is, has, are, do) the old lady's constant companions.
40.           The office staff (using, had used, is used, uses) this toilet. That one is for the public.
41.           “You can see the headmaster when assembly (was, is, has, does) over,” the clerk told him.
42.           “(Have, Does, Is, Are) Mr. Lee and his family migrating to Canada next year?” asked George.
43.           Each of these men (are, have, is, will) prepared to risk his own life to defend the country.
44.           Most of my brother's income (has, is, are, have) spent on his children's education.
45.           “(Are, Have, Was, Does) all of you watching the experiment closely?” the teacher asked her class.
46.           How much (has, will, does, is) this bunch of bananas cost?
47.           Either of the children (has, have, is, are) to wash their father's car.
48.           One of the players (is, are, has, have) left the field.
49.           That team (is having, are having, have, has) many good players.
50.           One reason for accidents (is, are, is having, are having) carelessness.
51.           Put in “is” or “are” for questions 51 to 70.
52.           There _____ enough plates but there _____ not enough spoons.
53.           There _____ a lot of noise in our road in the morning.
54.           There _____ not enough water in that river.
55.           Be careful! There ______ hundreds of red ants on that tree. There _____ a nest on that branch.
56.           There _____ a lot of weeds on that rubber estate.
57.           There _____a lot of ice in the refrigerator.
58.           I think there _____ something wrong with this dynamo.
59.           There _____ some good programmes on television next week.
60.           When there _____ rain for a day, there _____ many mosquitoes in our house.
61.           There _____ a quarry not far from our school and there _____ about thirty men working in it.
62.           Why _____ there no mudguards on that bicycle?
63.           What _____ there in that bottle? Is it medicine?
64.           There _____ not enough sauce in that bottle. I'll get some more.
65.           _____ there many frogs in your garden? Yes, there _____.
66.           Why _____ there so many birds in that tree? There _____ a lot of berries on it.
67.           There _____ not enough milk in this tea.
68.           _____ there anybody in that house? No, there _____n't.
69.           I think there _____ some rubber bands in that drawer.
70.           There _____ the postman. He is coming to our house.
71.           There _____ not a lot of traffic along that road at night.
72.           Put in “was” or “were” for questions 71 to 90.
73.           The hospital and the railway station _____ flooded. Three thousand acres of rice _____ ruined.
74.           A serious problem _____ created last week. The Chief Minister has been to see the houses which _____ burnt down in the great fire.
75.           One of the boys _____ right and the other one _____ wrong.
76.           The driver and a passenger at the front _____ slightly injured in the accident but the other passenger _____ not hurt at all.
77.           I think this tree by the fence _____ planted about ten years ago but those over there _____ planted at least thirty years ago.
78.           One of the reasons why our school _____ shut _____ that the classrooms _____ used by competitors in an international Sports Meeting. It _____ held last week and _____ very successful.
79.           Who _____ you playing with last night? _____ it John or George?
80.           Quite a few sacks of rice _____ thrown away because the rice _____ bad but some of the rice _____ good.
81.           The result of the football competition between the schools _____ quite a surprise. I saw the final game which _____ played on our school ground.
82.           After the Sports Meeting there _____ a lot of rubbish left on the ground. This _____ cleared up by the boys and the labourers.
83.           The class which had the best attendance record _____ given a half-holiday. The pupils _____ allowed to go home at eleven o'clock.
84.           Our hockey master _____ cross because a new ball _____ lost during the game. We _____ all told to go and look for it.
85.           At first the police _____ unable to catch the robbers but two days later they _____ caught when their car _____ stopped at a road-block.
86.           There _____ nearly twenty boys at the picnic but there _____ a lot of food to eat. There _____ not much left when they had all finished.
87.           These stamps _____ sent to me by my brother when he _____ on a ship which _____ going to England.
88.           Who _____ those men? What _____ they looking for?
89.           Yesterday morning the electricity _____ turned off while some men _____ repairing a cable near our house.
90.           I _____ disappointed when I heard that John and George _____ not coming.
91.           His car _____ stolen while he _____ watching a film last night.
92.           Where _____ you born? I _____ born in Australia.
93.           Put in “has” or “have” for questions 91 to 110.
94.           We _____ got more than they _____,
95.           He _____ got less than we _____.
96.           Some seed-pods _____ many seeds inside them but this one _____ only got one.
97.           One of my friends _____ more than 2000 stamps. A lot of them _____ come from friends in foreign countries.
98.           My sister _____ made some cakes for her friends but they _____ not arrived yet.
99.           The rain _____ stopped but the sun _____ not come out yet.
100.        The price of tin _____ risen but the price of rubber _____ fallen.
101.        How many stamps _____ your brother got? I think he _____ about fifteen hundred.
102.        _____ the men finished repairing the bridge yet? Yes, they _____.
103.        Where _____ the other girls gone? _____ you seen them?
104.        _____ your bicycle got a dynamo on it? No, it _____ n't.
105.        Some fat _____ just caught fire in the kitchen.
106.        Somebody _____ taken my shoes by mistake. I _____ got Jack's.
107.        The game _____ not started yet. Some of the players _____ not come.
108.        Where _____ you put my books? I _____ looked everywhere for them.
109.        That bird _____ a red head but that one _____ a blue head.
110.        What _____ happened? I think there _____ been an accident.
111.        The music _____ stopped. I think the record _____ finished.
112.        The lights _____ gone out. A flash of lightning _____ hit a pole.
113.        The aeroplane _____ only just arrived so the passengers _____ not got off yet.
114.        Put in the correct form of the Simple Present tense.
115.        Everybody who _____ (know) him _____ (agree) that he very rarely _____ (lose) his temper even when people _____ (tease) him.
116.        My father _____ (like) to go for a walk in the evening.
117.        If four men _____ (lay) 300 bricks a day and _____ (build) a house in two weeks, how long will it take one man who _____ (lay) 100 bricks a day?
118.        The climate in the south of France _____ (differ) from that in the north.
119.        His chance of winning both the races _____ (seem) slight to me.
120.        When the wind _____ (blow) from the hills, it often _____ (bring) rain with it. However, the storm seldom _____ ( last) long.
121.        First we _____ (see) a flash of lightning. Then we _____ (count) the seconds before the thunder _____ (come). In this way we _____ (find) out how far away the storm _____ (be). We _____ (say) that every second _____ (equal) about a mile.
122.        Those two dogs _____ (look) dangerous to me. I _____ (advise) you to keep away from them.
123.        Water _____ (help) us in many ways. It _____ (provide) us with something to drink. It _____ (irrigate) our crops. The rivers _____ (provide) us with fish. Women _____ (wash) their clothes in the rivers, and men often _____ (use) them for transport. However, when there _____ (be) too much rain, we usually _____ (have) a flood. This _____ (damage) property and roads. The flood often _____ (destroy) crops as well.
124.        Thus we _____ (see) that water both _____ (help) and _____ (hinder) us. The sea _____ (give) us food but storms and tidal waves _____ (cause) a lot of damage at times.
125.        The men in that quarry usually _____ (put) their explosive charges at the top of the cliff. The explosion _____ (break) off the edge of the cliff, and the rocks _____ (tumble) down to the bottom. They _____ (bring) down many smaller rocks at the same time.
126.        Doctors _____ (believe) that cigarette smoke _____ (cause) cancer of the lungs. Every year more people _____ (die) of this disease.
127.        That man _____ (seem) deaf to me. He _____ (turn) up his radio so much that the noise almost _____ (make) our house tremble. He _____ (switch) his set on early in the morning and then _____ (leave) it on until late at night. I _____ (hope) it _____ (break) down.
128.        Policemen often _____ (wait) near road junctions. They _____ (look) to see whether motorists _____ (stop) before they _____ (enter) the main road. If a motorist _____ (fail) to stop, the policeman _____ (write) down the number of his car.
129.        Anybody who _____ (know) where the boys _____ (live) should go to the office, the clerk _____ (want) to know their addresses.
130.        The front light on my bicycle often _____ (come) on during the day but it _____ (go) out when I _____ (need) it at night. The chain _____ (slip) off every time. I _____ (try) to ride quickly.
131.        Our cat _____ (like) to tease the dogs next door. They often _____ (chase) it but the cat always _____ (manage) to escape.
132.        My brother _____ (say) that cargo vessels _____ (call) at the port regularly. He often _____ (go) to the docks.
133.        Some of the boys who _____ (live) out-station _____ (come) to school by taxi. They usually _____ (arrive) quite early.

The colour of the litmus paper _____ (change) when we _____ (put) acid in the beaker. It _____ (turn) red.

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