Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Entry


Hope you all enjoy my entry, because this is my first time write entry to this blog. My ambition is  to be writer. But…I prefer to write stories that are not facts. Like writing a novel. Yup, I really like write a novel just like sis Haruno Hana and the writer from Urban Teen Writer. There all has a good write and  sometimes I really jealous of their talent. But all of that, I assume as my inspiration to keep trying and trying because I want to be like them. Alhamdulilah… now I have sent total of six chapter to Even though just only two hundred people read my novel but I am very grateful because there are people reading my novel Cinta Sakura write by Nur Iman.But I only write when I have space only. I'm very busy right now, so I do not have time to write So far I only write on this blog. Sorry if there are lot of mistakes I do in my writing because my English is not to good but I will try to improve it.Insya-Allah.

Penawar Hatiku a.k.a Aina


  1. I didn't know I have a writer in my class. Then you should keep a pen and a note book in your purse. Write down all your inspiration from your observation of your surrounding. You'll be a great writer one day. Pn Yuhaida

  2. Thanks ma'am...
    I really appreciate...
