Friday, February 18, 2011

Answer for agreement exercise - (Pn Yuhaida)

Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the correct answer.
1.              Both James and her sister enjoy eating spicy food.
2.              Our school is one of the oldest schools in the country.
3.              They were presented with a bouquet of flowers each.
4.              Five kilometers was the distance we had to run.
5.              Mrs. Richards, as well as a few of the other teachers, has spoken to the headmaster.
6.              No one is allowed to see the patient.
7.              Either George or I am to be promoted.
8.              The spectators were cheering and shouting at the top of their voices.
9.              Neither John nor his sisters were at the wedding reception last night.
10.           That boy, together with two of his friends, was caught copying during the Science test.
11.           That man in the blue shirt lives near my house.
12.           The Geographical Society has postponed its meeting to next Thursday afternoon.
13.           Which of the twins has a mole on her nose?
14.           Thirty dollars is too much for the pen.
15.           Not one of the boys rides a bicycle to school.
16.           The public is not allowed on this land as it is private property.
17.           The quality of these goods is not satisfactory.
18.           The sacks of flour were unloaded from the lorry.
19.           Personal cleanliness is very important.
20.           Do you know anyone who wants one of these puppies for a pet?
21.           Prevention is better than cure.
22.           Has anyone seen my ballpoint pen?” Peter asked.
23.           That popular group of singers is performing in Switzerland now.
24.           Light travels at the speed of 297,600 kilometres per second.
25.           That bicycle with the flat tyre belongs to my brother.
26.           The people were delighted when water and electricity were supplied to their village.
27.           Neither John nor George is to be blamed for the loss of our netball.
28.           Don't you know that the bat is a mammal?
29.           Each of the teachers was responsible for forty children.
30.           This is an old folks' home, not a recuperation centre.
31.           Power is what he wants more than anything else.
32.           The condition of the other two fire victims was reported to be serious.
33.           My brother, together with his best friend, has joined the army.
34.           Science, as well as Mathematics, is interesting to me.
35.           Theresa asked, “What is your hometown well known for?”
36.           A school bag, in addition to a pair of shoes, was given to each of the poor children.
37.           Either Jane or her sisters know how to prepare yoghurt.
38.           Nobody wants to eat the candy. It is too sweet.
39.           A dog and a cat are the old lady's constant companions.
40.           The office staff uses this toilet. That one is for the public.
41.           “You can see the headmaster when assembly is over,” the clerk told him.
42.           Are Mr. Lee and his family migrating to Canada next year?” asked George.
43.           Each of these men is prepared to risk his own life to defend the country.
44.           Most of my brother's income is spent on his children's education.
45.           Are all of you watching the experiment closely?” the teacher asked her class.
46.           How much does this bunch of bananas cost?
47.           Either of the children has to wash their father's car.
48.           One of the players is left the field.
49.           That team has many good players.
50.           One reason for accidents is carelessness.
51.           Put in “is” or “are” for questions 51 to 70.
52.           There are enough plates but there are not enough spoons.
53.           There is a lot of noise in our road in the morning.
54.           There is not enough water in that river.
55.           Be careful! There are hundreds of red ants on that tree. There is a nest on that branch.
56.           There is a lot of weeds on that rubber estate.
57.           There is a lot of ice in the refrigerator.
58.           I think there is something wrong with this dynamo.
59.           There are some good programmes on television next week.
60.           When there is rain for a day, there are many mosquitoes in our house.
61.           There is a quarry not far from our school and there are about thirty men working in it.
62.           Why are there no mudguards on that bicycle?
63.           What is there in that bottle? Is it medicine?
64.           There is not enough sauce in that bottle. I'll get some more.
65.           Are there many frogs in your garden? Yes, there are.
66.           Why are there so many birds in that tree? There are a lot of berries on it.
67.           There is not enough milk in this tea.
68.           Are there anybody in that house? No, there aren't.
69.           I think there are some rubber bands in that drawer.
70.           There is the postman. He is coming to our house.
71.           There is not a lot of traffic along that road at night.

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