Sunday, February 13, 2011

The spirit of Islam - Pn Yuhaida

One day Saidina Ali was late attending the congregation prayer (solat berjemaah). When he arrived the prayer was almost finished. Being late is not something common for Saidina Ali so Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (pbuh) asked for his reason for the delay. So Saidina Ali told Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that on the way he met a very old jewish man (orang yahudi). He was so old that he walked so slow. Respecting the old man (even though he's a jew) Saidina Ali just walked behind him and thus he was late for the congragation prayer.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) praised Saidina Ali for his manners (adab) for manners are very important in Islam. We muslims have manner for everything - eating, talking, visiting the sick ones .......... The list just go on and on. Respecting the elders is one of the manners taught in Islam. Yes, you are right girls about respecting the elders. 

I hope my boys and girls in 3KAA will grow up to be good muslims that can show good examples (qudwah hasanah) to both muslims and non muslims alike. Remember we have the responsibility to spread Islam to every one, irrespective of their background, creed or belief. 

May Allah bless us all. 

creed - a faith people of many creeds and cultures.
irrespective -  not taking (something) into account; regardless of child benefit is paid irrespective of income levels.
congregation -  a group of people assembled for religious worship.
jew - member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their origins through the ancient Hebrew people of Israel to Abraham.

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